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Product Adoption & Decision-Making

Supporting a Ministry of Health's decision to incorporate products into national guidelines

To guide the adoption of and decisions around new products, programs should work collaboratively with the Ministry of Health, implementing partners, and community groups. 

Product Adoption & Decision-Making Checklist

Evaluate the benefits and considerations of new products using the five lenses approach (outlined in the Product Adoption and Decision-Making chapter)


Gather key information on the new product to build a case for its adoption and introduction (examples and samples included in the resources section below) 

Build consensus on product adoption by engaging key stakeholders and decision makers utilizing existing forums such as technical working groups

Conduct a guidelines analysis and costing evaluation

Update national treatment guidelines based on new product decisions

Product Adoption & Decision-Making Tools and Resources

In preparing for national discussions on product adoption, sufficient information on the new product should be compiled. This section outlines critical resources and tools that should be assembled and developed for sharing with key stakeholders during the technical engagement processes.

Pediatric DRV/r (pDRV/r) Resources

Pediatric darunavir/ritonavir 120/20mg (pDRV/r) is a new fixed-dose combination of darunavir (DRV) with ritonavir for children living with HIV (CLHIV) who are at least 3 years old and weigh at least 10kg. Laurus Labs, with CHAI and Unitaid, is currently developing this product with the goal of tentative US FDA approval in the second half of 2024. These resources will support country programs to evaluate adopting pDRV/r within their own contexts.

pDTG Resources
pDTG Bottle.png

Pediatric DTG 10 mg Dispersible, Scored Resources

CHAI's pediatric DTG 10 mg Dispersible, Scored (pDTG) resources help countries in creating the best plan for pDTG introduction and transition.

pDTG Resources

CHAI Cost of Optimizing Second-Line Treatment (COST) Tool

The CHAI COST Tool is a model that helps to estimate the financial impact of switching existing second-line (2L) patients to optimized, clinically superior regimens, such as DTG and DRV/r. The proactive switching of existing 2L patients to more optimal regimens, such as DTG and DRV/r, can improve clinical outcomes and lead to significant commodity cost savings for national programs. Further transition planning and national quantifications can help to lead to a more granular cost-savings analysis.  Please reach out to Jessica Fox ( with any questions about this tool.

Market Intelligence

HIV Market Intelligence

CHAI's HIV market intelligence reports provide information on the latest developments in the HIV treatment marketplace and product pipeline.  These reports can be used to help stakeholders stay informed of the latest market developments and make informed decisions about national treatment options based on the global or regional outlook.

Clinical Evidence Database

CHAI maintains a repository of publications on relevant clinical trials and studies on new ARVs. Key information on clinical evidence and trials is also included in clinical action memos, product profiles, and training materials.

Clinical Evidence

Product Profiles

Presentations providing overviews of clinical and programmatic benefits and considerations of product adoption, market factors, phase-in strategies, and FAQs for key ARVs. These can be used as an information resource or adapted for presentation to multiple stakeholders.

Product Profiles

Implementation and Normative Guidance

These resources include consolidated international recommendations and guidance on new ARVs, overviews of clinical and programmatic benefits, and considerations for product adoption, summaries of clinical evidence and trials, market information, phase-in strategies, and FAQs for new products.

Normative Guidance
Diagnostic Resources

Diagnostic Resources

CHAI’s diagnostic resources, produced in conjunction with the African Society for Laboratory Medicine, can be used across all steps of new product introduction to guide countries as they introduce point-of-care HIV technologies, HIV self-testing technologies, and HIV viral load technologies into existing national diagnostic systems.

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383 Dorchester Avenue, Suite 400

Boston, MA 02127

The goal of the HIV New Product Introduction Toolkit is to stimulate conversations between government, partners, and communities on new product introduction. Please feel free to share any thoughts, questions, or additional resources for consideration by contacting us via email at


© 2022  Clinton Health Access Initiative - Global HIV Access Program

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